Donika Dedushaj


Blog #7

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The purpose of this paper was to review research on the role of appearance in children’s developing gender identities. It introduces how there are many groups of people that adopt an identity and show others by the way they style their hair or the type of clothing they wear. When it comes to children, gender is the first thing they socially develop and understand. The paper transitions into cultural differences regarding gender identity. It compares children that come from different cultures such as Europe, Hong Kong, South Korea are more likely to show similarities in appearance rigidity. Although, many parents usually buy their children clothing that have to do with their appearance, male or female. This relates to my topic because there are many children out there that suffer with gender identity. They fear to tell their parents the way they actually feel. With this many children experience depression and pain because their parents do not understand.


Halim, May Ling D., et al. “Gender Is What You Look like: Emerging Gender Identities in Young Children and Preoccupation with Appearance.” Self & Identity, vol. 17, no. 4, July 2018, pp. 455–466. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/15298868.2017.1412344.


This article draws attention to sexuality and culture. It is divided into three categories, each category explaining that there has been a significant increase of research on social and cultural sexuality. In the first section of the reading, it focused on the social construction of sexuality and how it has developed over the last three decades. The second section explains the study of sexual life and the way it emerged in sexual culture, sexual identities and sexual communities. Lastly, the third section covers the difference between culture and power. This article relates to my topic because there are many groups of people that experience a hard time revealing their sexuality and face discrimination because of it.


Parker, Richard. “Sexuality, Culture and Society: Shifting Paradigms in Sexuality Research.” Culture, Health & Sexuality, vol. 11, no. 3, Apr. 2009, pp. 251–266. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/13691050701606941


This scholarly article clearly explains the way parents react to their children’s identity. It provides statistics to understandably prove that most parents react in a negative way. “In the American context, research indicates that as many as 52% of parents’ may initially react negatively to their child’s disclosure of same sex attractions.” This just shows that more than half of parents do not approve of their child having same sex attractions. These negative reactions have many consequences to their children from, depression, substance abuse and some extreme cases, suicide. On the other hand, the article describes the supportive and positive parent reactions. This leads to a low percentage of depression and suicide, but high percentages of social support and self-esteem. For my analytical research paper I hope to successfully cover this major issue because there are many children that experience this. They may tell their parents, but at the end of the day they do not receive the support and positivity they were looking for.


Baiocco, Roberto, et al. “Negative Parental Responses to Coming Out and Family Functioning in a Sample of Lesbian and Gay Young Adults.” Journal of Child & Family Studies, vol. 24, no. 5, May 2015, pp. 1490–1500. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s10826-014-9954-z.



Blog #6

Posted by Donika Dedushaj on


The texts I have chosen to focus my analytical research paper on is My Cat Yugoslavia and Crossing, both written by Pajtim Statovci. The books focus on the social issue of gender identity and sexuality.

Thesis Statement: Children from traditional households face pressure from parents when they do not fit into traditional gender roles.

While writing my analytical research paper, I look forward to addressing the major issue children have been facing concerning gender identity and sexuality. It is common that for many years, children fear and do not have the potential to reveal their identity and sexuality to their family because it is forbidden in most cultures and traditional households. Both books, My Cat Yugoslavia and Crossing highlights many key ideas about a young gay male that was afraid to reveal who he really is and what he feels due to his conservative culture. Out of all social issues that are going on in this world, one of the major reasons as to why I chose to do further research on this topic is because many individuals that come from different cultures still face discrimination and there are still many families that do not understand and do not believe that their children can be LGBTQIA. I came up with my thesis by putting together the major points and themes in both books. While both books share the same theme; traditional cultures will suppress countless children who struggle with revealing their true identity. These children may experience depression and misery. In this analytical research paper, I plan on making my statement clear by breaking down the main reasons and providing backup details to make my thesis statement valid. I also plan on making an entrancing argument by providing examples and persuasive reasoning.


Blog #5

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“Outlaw: My Life in America as an Undocumented Immigrant” by Jose Antonio Vargas, conveys a story of being an unwanted immigrant. Vargas was sent away from the Philippines by his mother hoping that he will create a better life. While he knew it was possible, he struggled with fear and anxiety. Many Americans refer to words as, “illegal alien” and “undocumented immigrants” with the same connotation; The migration of people into a country in violation of the immigration law. When I hear the word “illegal alien”, I automatically think of a negative connotation. Identifying someone as illegal and an alien is wrong. Illegal alien means that someone has invaded our country and has done something terribly wrong. While, “Undocumented immigrant” is a proper way of referring to someone who has migrated to another country that does not have the proper documents in order to identify as a citizen. Someone like Vargas should not be labeled as an “illegal alien”. Vargas has not done anything harmful to be labeled as illegal. In other words, he should be identified the proper way, an “undocumented immigrant”. Vargas mentions, “This was devastating. What good was college if I couldn’t help pursue the career I wanted?” Vargas comes here to create a better life, although, they don’t give him the opportunity to pursue his dreams. Vargas thought that if he worked enough and if he achieved enough, he would be rewarded with a citizenship. However, Vargas was unaware of how American citizenships work. He goes on explaining that Americans tend to have a certain attitude towards undocumented immigrants. Vargas mentions, “We’re not always who you think we are. Some pick your strawberries or care for your children. Some are in high school or college.” Immigrants come here to do the jobs other Americans don’t want to do. They do construction, dishwashing, baby-sitters, farming etc. Undocumented immigrants come here to create a better life, to pursue their dreams—just how some of our family members did. For this, they do not deserve to be labeled as an “illegal alien”, instead an “Undocumented immigrant.”



Blog #4

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Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” and John F. Kennedy’s “Inaugural Address” strongly reveal similarities and differences. Abraham Lincoln gave one of the most important speeches in American History. As they both had a rough presidential phase, both presidents had differences, but gave a similar message. Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy reveal the idea that everybody is made and treated equally; creating-peace in our country. Abraham Lincoln gave a heartfelt speech in a moment of a national crisis, dedicating Union soldiers killed at the Battle of Gettysburg. Lincoln begins his speech with, “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” Lincoln calls back to the Declaration of Independence declaring our values; Equality for all. President Lincoln continues to vividly express the idea that the country needs to come together, no matter their differences, to give their respect to the people who have lost their lives to keep this nation strong. Concluding the speech, “that this nation, under god, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Lincoln stated. In other words, he points out that changes were made, slavery ended, and with that the values of equality were given a “new birth”. Although, this work is not done, the values of equality, the government of, by, and for the people is always something that needs to be worked on for upcoming generations.

On the contrary, John F. Kennedy was elected president in the 1960’s, following his inaugural address. An inaugural address gives the elected president the opportunity to inform the Americans what their intentions are as a leader. John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address created a motive that he as a leader will do anything it takes to make this nation succeed and guarantee equality. Kennedy begins to address that freedom is a gift from god and we the people have the power to make the world a better place; “the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.” President Kennedy states that, “to convert our good words into good deeds—in a new alliance for progress—to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty.” He explains that poverty is a major concern in the United States, letting the audience know how terrible poverty is for our country. In all, Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy did go through different time periods, however, both speeches were intended to disclose the same message.

While both speeches were given a while back, I believe that the United States have not yet solved these problems that Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy identified. It still seems to be that poverty is occurring and people are faced with pressure because of their “color”. Our country continues to fight for racial injustice and individuals on welfare. The political system will always be perplexing, but our nation needs to unite and make these problems right for once.



Blog #3

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Prison has a negative connotation. Prison is a building where you are forcibly held for punishment. You are locked up yearning to see the world. Malcolm X thought differently. Prison for Malcolm X was an area where he finally found his freedom. Effectively, this is where the irony plays a role. Some may think: “How does one find freedom in prison?” In this narrative, Malcolm X begins to explain that his literature journey started out very poorly, but ended with joy. During the time he came across a book, he was imperfectly aware of how to read the words and phrases. Even though he skipped through them, he was not sure of what the book was telling him. “I saw the best thing to do was get a hold of a dictionary…I’d never realized so many words existed.” Malcolm X goes about to take advantage of his time in prison in order to perfect his literature and writing skills. He did this by copying every page and reading it back to himself. Malcolm realized that he see’s a difference and was fascinated that he finally remembers and recognizes new words. Not only was he strongly engaged, but also he finally felt free. Someone like Malcolm X never knew how much power reading had until he actually picked up a book. This narrative suggests the quantity of love literature and freedom have within one another. Malcolm X conveys the idea that because he was curious on learning how to read and write, he made worth of this important opportunity. Malcolm X ends his narrative off by stating: “Where else but in prison could I have attacked my ignorance by being able to study intensely sometimes as much as fifteen hours a day.” Alternatively stated, reading and writing is something that is built with passion and affection, just as Malcolm X did. Malcolm’s determination of reading made him grow as a person with power. He is finally liberated.


Blog #2

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There are many people out there that come from immigrant families who feel the same way Amy did. They don’t realize that this is a gift, a gift that will play a major role later on. The narrative, “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan clearly outlines why language played a major role in her life. The fact that Amy’s mother spoke “broken” English or rather “limited” English made Amy feel a certain way towards her mother. Amy felt uncomfortable when she would have to go out in public with her, “I was ashamed of her English. I believed that her English reflected the quality of what she had to say.” For the reason that she spoke “broken” English, outsiders would treat her differently, or didn’t even take her seriously. Although, the role of being a translator for her mother molded her own perception of herself. Amy began to realize that her mother’s language shaped the way she saw and expressed things. “The language spoken in the family, especially in immigrant families which are more insular, plays a large role in shaping the language of the child.” Amy mentions, because of this she understood the difference between her language and others, where it had an effect on her achievement tests. Amy asked herself, “Why are there few Asian Americans enrolled in creative writing programs?” This made her conceive the fact that there are many other families out there that are looked at for speaking, “broken” English. Because of the challenges she faced with her mother, Amy has a reason as to why she started writing.

To my mind, it is true that many people who learn a second language or are raised in a non-English household are constantly aware of the way language is used around them. Not only does this enhance language skills, but your brain automatically recognizes the difference in which the language is being used. Since I come from a non-English speaking household and immigrant parents, I realize the contrast of how I use my language in public as to how I use my language at home and with relatives. I have encountered the same experience Amy Tan mentioned, where I would have to speak for my parents on the phone and in-stores. However, I never felt ashamed of this, but more felt proud that as a daughter, I had the ability to manifest sympathy and respect to my parents. As I got older, I began to realize that coming from immigrant parents’ was an endowment.


Class Introduction- Donika Dedushaj

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Donika Dedushaj

Intended Major: Nursing

Preferred Gender Pronoun: She/Her

As a college freshman, I am sure that there are many different sensations and thoughts that run through our minds, while we are all new to this experience.  Personally, I am both excited and nervous as to what this class will have awaiting for me. On the positive, I am excited to engage with a variety forms of texts and become familiar with major arguments and writing formats. After reviewing the syllabus, I felt anxious. I began to hope that I will not become overwhelmed with the writing assignments, even though writing multi-paged papers is something new to me.

Writing is something that can be improved throughout the course of one’s life. It is important to write well because it is a form of communication. Writing is a way one is on their intellect and even personality. One main quality of good writing is structure. The way a writer organizes their writing is important because all sections should be linked together smoothly. Moreover, word selection says a lot about a writer. This is an important part of writing because it helps illustrate a vivid picture to the reader. The choice of words helps the writer express their ideas that will have an impact on the audience. Becoming a good writer may take time and practice. Tips for being a good writer include: reading, editing, gathering ideas, and writing often.

From my own point of view, the easiest part of writing is brainstorming. Once a topic is bought to my attention, I immediately brainstorm and outline my ideas. However, when it is time to start the writing, I have trouble with the introduction. I find this the hardest part because it outlines the main points of your writing, while it is also supposed to grab the readers’ attention. Another thing I need to work on with my writing is not being repetitive. While editing my work, I tend to catch myself repeating major words and ideas. As was introduced, my intended major is nursing which I know will involve different forms of writing. Since this field of study is based on science, the work that I will be expected to write is scientific writing; such as, research papers and lab reports. Being an effective writer affects your career opportunities because the better one’s writings becomes, the better their speech becomes too. Writing is necessary in all career opportunities because specific writing skills will impress the onlookers.

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