Vilma Gonzales


Blog 7

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 Article 1“Consequences of Bullying Behavior”

Throughout the chapter “ Consequences of bullying behavior” in the book “Preventing Bullying Through Science, Policy, and Practice.” bullying has become a behavior among “school aged children and adolescents, bullying comes in all different forms such as an “ individual who bullies, the individual who is bullied and bullies others, and the bystander present during the bullying event.” The chapter expresses the physical health consequences, somatic symptoms, stress, the consequences of bullying on the brain function, social pain, and much more. This is relevant information because there is always going to be bullying. Bullying comes from one’s household, no one is perfect we do not this in a utopian society where everything we do has to follow a routine and everyone acts the same we are always going to have some bad apples that unfortunately act and think the way they do and that does affect the child where it’s something they learn from the parent or use bullying as a way to let out their frustration they would like to show their parents but can not.


Article 2 “How Does Bullying Affect the Bully?”

Throughout the  article “How Does Bullying Affect the Bully?” By Lorna Blumen in Bullying Prevention Tips, Raising Emotionally Healthy Kids, School Bullying, expressed the opposing side of bullying which is not the victims but the bully. The article includes research published in JAMA Psychiatry that show the numerous psychiatric issues that include depression, anxiety, panic disorder, suicidal thought behaviors and agoraphobia a bully could obtain in their lifetime. When one thinks about bullying we think about the one who is being bullied and of course we should focus on the victim but shouldn’t ignore how they bully might be affected by their own actions. This becomes relevant because the way a child is raised can affect who they become later on in life.


Article 3 “The long-term effects of being bullied or a bully in adolescence on externalizing and internalizing mental health problems in adulthood”

Throughout the article “The long-term effects of being bullied or a bully in adolescence on externalizing and internalizing mental health problems in adulthood” in the book “child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health” this chapter shows the effect of being bullied and being the bully and the mental toll it leaves behind for each side of the story meaning the victim of bullying and the bully. It is very important to know the emotional and physical toll that bullying and being a bully leaves on a person because most if not all of these negative tolls greatly impact one’s life



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The Text I will be writing about in essay #3 will be A film called  “A Silent Voice (Koe no katachi).” Thesis statement:  Emotional violence and verbal assaults towards an individual lead  to a person’s self-distraction and suicidal thoughts. Bullying aspects are much more dangerous than it may seem from the first time.


This film displays struggles one can have in a real world basis. A silent voice tells a story where the main protagonist is bullying a girl for being deaf. Nishymiya is deaf and is unable to communicate verbally, which impacts her ability to make new friends at the school. A silent voice is not only about a boy who bullies a deaf girl and a deaf girl, rather the realities that a a deaf person or a person in general can have such as depression, suicide, self isolation, bullying and other social problems teens may encounter i their adolescent life. In this essay I hope to address these problems teens go through whether being deaf or not. This movie touched me deeply because I am able to relate to it due to my past of being bullied and other aspects of bullying that i may have not experienced and would love to know so i can help a younger family member if they ever have to deal with a different type of bullying they may be going through. The meaning behind  the thesis i came up with comes from the movie and from my own personal experience.Where becoming self-distracted and suicide can be the result of being bullied. I plan to watch the movie again, break down and analyze the movie. Watching the movie will not only refresh my memory but it will allow me to see the main reasons what Emotional violence and verbal assaults towards an individual lead to 


Blog #5

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Throughout the passage Outlaw: My Life in America as an Undocumented Immigrant” by Jose Antonio Vargas the terms “undocumented immigrants and “ilegal aliens” have been used. The term undocumented immigrant is to be considered an alien who has been granted the rights by the USCIS to permanently be in the U.S while an ilegal alien is wether a person is an immigrant, visitor, or someone who has gotten through the border without going through customs or immigration. These are terms used by the government to describe those who came to the U.S with the proper documentation and or authorization. The passage describes Jose Antonio’s situation where he was brought over to the U.S by a coyote, a person who smuggles undocumented immigrants to the united states. He was bought when he was 12 because his mother wanted to give him a better life but came to the U.S. with no proper documentation. Jose slowly started to realize he was an undocumented immigrant. One situation arose where Jose rode his bike to the DMV and unknowingly presented a false green card. Various situations like these were presented where a passport, license, green card or social security was needed for certain things he wanted to do. The term undocumented immigrant can be used to describe varargs and others in his situation. Terminology becomes  very important because no human is “illegal” on stolen land, there are various other terms that can be used instead of “illegal” such as undocumented immigrants or non citizens. If people are being referred as illegal, illegal alien, wetbacks and more it is very inhuman and dehumanizing.


Blog 4

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When reading Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” and John F. Kennedy’s “Inaugural Address” some similarities and differences can be spotted. Throughout Lincoln’s speech, president Lincoln speaks more about the people, the nation and the ongoing problem the nation has been suffering. The speech opens up with “fourscore and seven years ago…dedicated to the proposal that all men are created equal”.The nations founding principles are “all men are created equal” and with civil war going on this principle is being tested whether the nation will live up to this or not. Lincoln’s main goal is to preserve the union and what it stands for. “Testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure.” This speech is dedicated to the people who fought in the civil war and how their fighting will not go unnoticed nor in vail “ that from These honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain that- that this nation ,under God, shall have a new birth of freedom –”.  stated in The Gettysburg Address , Those who have fought in this war are the reason why a “new birth of freedom” was risen which was the reason slavery was abolished.Lincoln’s address was more in regards to the civil war.

While the problem that faced Kennedy throughout his speech is maintaining peace within the nation and with international affairs.”let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divided us.” Kennedy talks about leading the nation although this is kennedy’s job to lead the nation he allows to include the nations people be involved as well by being united as one” unite there is little we can not do in a host of cooperative ventures.divided there is little we can do- for we dare not to meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder. Kennedy’s speech was devoted to ensuring the success of the nation as a guarantee. “let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friends ,oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty”, As stated in the Inaugural Address.

Throughout both speeches the two presidents express their current situations with the nation. Both Lincoln and Kennedy were willing to do what it takes for the greater good of the nation which would be to maintain and guarantee the freedom of the nation’s people. Currently in 2020 we are able to see these problems are yet to have a solution. These problems are still active throughout the United states where people of color are fighting for their freedom. Of course it is nothing like the 1860’s but the same concept of problems continue. 


Blog 3

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When the public thinks about prison they think of a place of Isolation and no freedom. Most don’t take advantage of what prison would have to offer unlike Malcolm X .

Malcolm X was a writer and black civil rights activist. Malcom X is widely known, his education was very poor as well as his english but prison changed that. Although most think of prison as a place where their freedom is stripped away from them Malcolm X shows otherwise even though he was in prison, he “never had been so truly free in his life.” The narrative suggests that literature/reading are both connected with freedom although Malcolm wasn’t physically free he had freedom through books and language. Literature is so powerful that a good book will keep you enticed to it, in this case the same happened to Malcolm “i spent two days just rifiling uncertainty through the dictionary’s pages….i didn’t know so many words existed…I didn’t know which words i needed to learn” the amazement he experienced with not knowing and wanting to learn drove his curiosity. New doors opened for Malcolm, he states “i have often reflected upon new vistas opened to me” showing how his mind started to open new views, new ideas have awoken in his mind through the power of literature. The narrative shows the connection of literature and freedom. Malcolm was “free” in prison through the escape of literature and being able to expand his mind while the lack of knowledge had him imprisoned. 


Blog #2

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Throughout ‘Mother tongue’ by Amy tan her work as an American asian writer focuses on mother-daughter relationship due to the environment she grew up in. In this personal essay Amy tan figures out she had two worlds that she came from one where she knows English and one where she speaks “broken english” the type of english she learned from her mother. It’s not until one day where she was talking to other people about her book “The joy luck club” where she discovered that she speaks two different types of languages and this had impacted not only her writing but her life as well, she speaks broken english to her mother but more complex english to other people.She became ashamed of the way her mother spoke to her in English and it seemed as she was letting society telling tam that her mother’s broken English was an embarrassment and a problem, examples of when Tan’s mother was at the hospital and was treated horribly after being diagnosed with a brain tumor she called the hospital to grasp a better understanding of what was going on as she was extremely worry due to her husband and son passing away from this, due to her heavy accent she was treated horribly the hospital refusing to apologize for the mistake they have done of misplacing her test results . But when Tan called speaking without an accent the hospital representative were extremely apologetic and corrected the error they have made.This allowed tan to think wheat her the way she spoke English would have omitted her opportunities in life. Which did when it came to English class when the question  “Sunset is to nightfall as…” Tan found hard to answer because she couldn’t connect all the possible analogy pairs “the only way i would have gotten that answer right would have been to imagine an associative situation”

Coming from a household where both parents are immigrants that speak Spanish I learn Spanish from a very young age and once I started school I learned English. Now, I wasn’t conscious of the way I spoke English and Spanish. I would speak Spanglish with my parents which is a mix of English and Spanish at once and they wouldn’t be able to fully understand me and I wasn’t able to fully communicate with them because sometimes finding a word in Spanish would be much more difficult than finding a word in english. This frustrated me at times not being able to fully communicate with and understand my parents . Once I started to spend most of my time at school we had to speak english to communicate with others and the problem of expressing myself at home with my parents started to become more difficult. My parents were always scared that i would forget or not speak Spanish anymore so some rules were established . Once i got home Spanish was the only language i was able to speak no english. If i had difficulties with finding a word on the internet or describing the object to my parents would have to the solution, to this day we only speak Spanish in the house just so we don’t forget the language, because as my father says the more languages you know the better. And I am grateful my parent pushed the rule of Spanish in the household because I am now able to help other in the outside world being able to know and understand two languages has truly become a gift.


Class Introduction-Vilma Gonzales

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Greetings, my name is Vilma Gonzales, my intent major is undeclared at the moment but I do want to become an orthodontist, my preferred pronouns  are her/she. After reviewing the syllabus for this class I am very nervous for the amount of writing I will have to do however this will allow me to become better and I will give it my all.

Good qualities of writing comes differently with everyone. Everyone has their own style of writing but no matter what style of writing the main goal is to explain information the reader in a way that is understandable and clear but a bit complex but one has to have a clear purpose inter writing what are they trying to convey, inform or prove to the reader.

The easiest part of writing would be gathering information while the hardest part of writing for me would be the putting the information together and analyzing text and being able to find and use the right writing techniques.I am undeclared but I do plan on becoming an orthodontist and I feel writing will allow me to become closer to my patients.This pandemic has changed how communicate with people and the use of technology is only going to grow from now on blogs can become helpful in the orthodontist field updating clients answering questions and even informing them.Writing will also give me an advantage to market myself efficiently.

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