
In Lincolns Gettys Burg address and John F. Kennedy ” inaugural address” they both state points that show they will help the nation as a whole and they both think the untied has problems they need to solve and their mostly based off equality and liberty. In Lincolns ”Gettys burg address” he think the unites states needs to have more equality  and freedom in his speech he says ”that this nation under god shall have a new birth of freedom” he also talks about showing devotion to the fallen solider’s . In John F. Kennedy’s speech he talks about having liberty in the unites states ”let every nation know,…that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty this much we pledge-and more”. The united states has not solved these problems cause their is no form of equality or liberty within this country their are to many innocent African Americans dieing for no reason their is also no justice or fairness in the legal system. We need to start implementing equality and liberty in this country if not its gonna get worse over the years.

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