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Posted by Asya Parson on

In Lincolns Gettys Burg address and John F. Kennedy ” inaugural address” they both state points that show they will help the nation as a whole and they both think the untied has problems they need to solve and their mostly based off equality and liberty. In Lincolns ”Gettys burg address” he think the unites states needs to have more equality  and freedom in his speech he says ”that this nation under god shall have a new birth of freedom” he also talks about showing devotion to the fallen solider’s . In John F. Kennedy’s speech he talks about having liberty in the unites states ”let every nation know,…that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty this much we pledge-and more”. The united states has not solved these problems cause their is no form of equality or liberty within this country their are to many innocent African Americans dieing for no reason their is also no justice or fairness in the legal system. We need to start implementing equality and liberty in this country if not its gonna get worse over the years.



Posted by Matthew Rodriguez on

While reading ‘’Inaugural Address’’ by John F. Kennedy and ‘’The Gettysburg Address’’ by Abraham Lincoln I noticed that both Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy had similar large positive effects in american history. Both John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln spoke about lack of equality, liberty of all people and they both worked hard for colored people. Lincoln wanted to free the slaves while Kennedy wanted black people to be treated equally. They both wanted freedom for colored people. In the “Inaugural Address” Kennedy says “We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty.” and “ask not what your country can do, but what you can do for your country.” He says this basically explaining that we should have equality within all of us and that we need to do more for our people and our country rather than worrying about what our country can do for us. When Lincoln speaks, he says “a new birth of freedom and the government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” He’s talking about human equality and change that has to be done in order for there to actually be equality within all humans. Both Kennedy and Lincoln wanted the same thing, equality and freedom for humans, especially colored people and they tried their best to create change and they did. Unfortunately they both wanted the same and they were both the only presidents that were assassinated. They will always be remembred. 



Blog 4

Posted by Leanna Waldropt on

After reading the speeches from each former president, I realized that they resemble from each other. Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy wanted a change in America. They noticed the need of equality. Each of the former presidents also had struggles during their presidency that involved equality for all. Lincoln wanted to free the slaves, but other people did not like that idea. Kennedy wanted people of color to have freedom and to be treated equal, but other people were against that too.

In Lincolns Gettysburg Address, he starts off by honoring all the soldiers that have died in the war. He states, “We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live.” He continues to say that there is still unfinished work, and that lives of all the soldiers will not be taken as granted. He gives his country a remarkable plan that will impact us forever. He states, “a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Lincoln talks highly on liberty for all people and that now was the time for a change.

In Kennedys Inaugural Address he starts off by saying today is a celebration of freedom. From this point on, I knew that his speech was going to change the thoughts of many people that day. He expressed his vison of a new beginning of freedom and equality. He wanted everyone to help him get his vison through by saying, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” He does state there would be struggles by saying, “we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty.” Although it would be hard, we will get through this and be a strong united country.

Although Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy worked hard to have a unified and equal country, we currently still have problems. We still have situations such as racism, discrimination, police brutality and much more. If we do not work together as a whole and as team, the problems will worsen.

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