Blog #6

The text that I will write is about a movie titled “Like stars on earth”. Thesis statement: Children who tend to have problems or challenges in their lives need to be understood and receive the full support from people especially their parents.

The reason why I chose this movie is because this one of the emotional and morale teaching movie ever. It is about a little boy named Ishaan who had a disease called dyslexia, which made it difficult for him to read or interpret words, letters and other symbols thus always failed his text and quizzes. He was very playful and that always got him into trouble in school with his teachers. Colors and art was one thing that Ishaan loved and was very good at. His brother Yohan on the other hand was a brilliant kid who passed all his tests and quizzes. This angered their dad even more because he could not understand why Ishaan kept failing his exams while his brother always passed his. Ishaan’s mum and dad did all they could do in terms of speaking to the headmaster to try and have extra classes for Ishaan to try and improve his grades. Unfortunately Ishaan’s dad lost patience with him and decided to send him to a boarding house. His dad got so furious with him and termed him as “a useless kid”. This left Ishaan totally devastated and barely spoke a word in his new boarding school. He was always in tears as he felt abandoned by his parents.

Ishaan had a new teacher in a few weeks time named Prof Ram. He was an Arts teacher filled with so much charisma. He was someone who always helped kids with disabilities and just loved to help kids. He soon noticed Ishaan’s sadness in class and decided to find out more about Ishaan. He soon found out Ishaan was a very great artist and painter which even excited him even more because he saw his self exactly in Ishaan. He too had the same disease and was also a great painter. He decided to personally help and teach Ishaan to read and write and help him discover his hidden potential which was painting. A painting competition was later organized in which Ishaan won and was finally recognized by everyone. Fortunately Ishaan passed his final exams and his parents was then invited to the school. His dad was left in so much shame with himself and tears after he found out his son Ishaan’s artwork ended up as the back cover of the school’s magazine and also passed his exams.

I want parents to always show full support in their kids in their difficult times because kids who don’t get enough attention, love and support end up become devastated and timid all the time which is not good for a child at such a young age. The last thing a child needs is to feel left out and unloved by his parents and people. Some people and kids have so many problems and difficulties, such people should be understood and helped not shun instead.


Comment ( 1 )

  1. Keiry Ramirez
    This is a good topic and one not many speak on. Children should be taken with care but not treated like they are delicate. One's mind is a powerful thing. People need to be educated on mental disorders. The more we know the better we can approach the situation. I agree with "The last thing a child needs is to feel left out and unloved by his parents and people." because who wouldn't want to feel loved and appreciated.

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