Blog 6

The text I will writing about is Medical apartheid By Harriet T Washington thesis: Black women are treated so poorly espically with in the health care system.

In this essay I hope to open every ones eyes to the problem that no one seems to talk about or notice. The points I want to adress is how hospitals need to take better care of Black women their have been numerous events where a African American woman has went into the hospital and was told that she wasn’t a priority couple seconds later she died  the health care system has been failing African women through history their have been articles written about it  but their is no action and the problem is being ignored.  I was desired to do this research because I am a African American women and we have been mistreated for years  and it’s still happening Black women have done so much through out history their is so much historical women like Sojourner truth, Harriet Tubman and Maya Angelou and this society treats us as if we don’t even matter and now they are trying to kill us off. I Wrote this thesis to give my readers a idea of what I am going to be talking about my thesis is important because it  gives you insight  of the issue I will be adressing. I plan to explore the statement in my research by  sugar coding anything and my evidence and opinions will be clear and uncut because I am a Black Women and I know how it feels to be mistreated because of the color of our skin.

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Keiry Ramirez
    This is great and so true. Black women deserve better and should be treated with more respect. " African women through history their have been articles written about it but their is no action and the problem is being ignored. " The government has a habit of ignoring our needs. Actions need to be taken for the better of human rights. Women are great allies and everyday men find a way to lose our alliance.

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