Ariel Mendez


Intro English comp- Ariel Mendez

Posted by Ariel Mendez on

Hello, my name is Ariel Mendez,

My intended major is undecided for now and my preferred pronouns are he/him. I am excited to continue working on my writing skills and to see how much progress I’ll make from taking this class, my previous school had a low standard when it came to school work and I have many bad habits I need to break. I am anxious about the nights I will spend working on assignments I procrastinated to the last minute. Writing is one of the most crucial aspects to life and being able to fluently convey my feelings and ideas will continuously help me in the future no matter the field I head into. When writing towards someone or a group of people it’s important that you imagine yourself having a conversation with your work, having passion and pride for your writing is what makes a good writer. Writing is a prideful activity and I enjoy sharing my work with others when I believe what I wrote is valuable. The hardest part about writing is the absence of inspiration or writer’s block. There are times when concentrating on my work is too difficult and causes me to become frustrated with the piece I’m working on and at times I’ll start projects but delete the entire piece if the writer’s block is bad enough. While I’m still undecided about my major, I still believe that good English comprehension skills are crucial, and I can always use improvement on them.


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