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Blog # 4

Posted by Kiana Joyner on

President Lincoln and President John F. Kennedy were two presidents who both faced many challenges throughout their presidencies. These two presidents I believed shared similar ideas about how the United States can come together as a nation to solve certain problems. During the time of President Lincolns Gettysburg Address, it was after the civil war and he had just freed slaves with the emancipation act. President Lincoln talks about the aftermaths of war and the toll it leaves behind. He talks about how all men are created equal. He wants the world not to forget about the war at Gettysburg, but for that war to remind us how we should not let those who fought in the battle to have died in vain. He also says that the government of the people should not perish from the earth, which I think he means to say, that the people chose this government and it does not fail in such ways that it already has. I think that statement he and President John F. Kennedy share similar ideas. John F. Kennedy in his inaugural speech also talks about the effects of war and what it does to a man. In his speech, he also mentions that we are the heirs of the first revolution. “Born in this century tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which the nation has always been permitted” I think what hes saying here is were a nation founded on war yet even as we watch our own undoing we do little to stop it. I think both he and Abraham Liconln wanted to prevent such things from happening again. They wanted a nation that is together and not divided. John F. Kennedy wanted the United States to put behind their own selfish needs, and to be able to look out for the needs of the people. To not let the poor be so separated by the rich, as one can not be without the other.  I think the United States still needs to work on these problems. We have yet to come together as a nation and put our differences aside. We allow money to the judge of all things, and the poor working class is so separated from the rich. We also are undoing what I would call a race war, where not every man is thought of to be seen as equal. it is now a movement known as the Black Lives Matter movement, where black people and people of color are fighting for equal rights still. so I think like John F. Kennedy said, we need to work on getting there, it may not happen in 100 days or 1000 but the work to get there should start now.


Blog #4

Posted by Dalbert Andujar on

Abraham Lincolns infamous “Gettysburg Address” and John F Kennedy’s “Inaugural Address” are both two speeches that are renownedly known across the nation its importance to American history. Both speeches have their differences, but hold similar context within them. Both made in times of crisis; the President’s expressed the value of  everybody being made equally and therefore should be treated equally.  Abraham Lincolns speech addresses and pays tribute to union soldiers who passed away during the battle of Gettysburg, saying “We have came to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live” Paying his tribute to his union soldiers who died in order for this country to be wheres its at now. Beginning his speech with ” Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” Lincoln starts by paying tribute to the Declaration of Independence of our nation, referencing our values; Equality for all. Furthering his speech by emphasizing towards the end the importance of coming together as a nation to make sure that these soldiers did not die in vain,  but to sacrifice themselves in order for ” Under god, shall have a new birth of freedom- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not parish from this earth.” In other words making sure our soldiers died for the purpose of having a government that supports the people. Their has been many progress done in terms of government of, by , and for the people, but still lacks things and will be a hassle worth tackling for other generations in the future to create change.

President John F Kennedy’s “Inaugural Address” on the contrary made motive that he as the leader of our nation would take any measures to make sure the nation succeeds and equality is granted. Beginning his speech with a powerful message “the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of god” Saying that we the people have the power to make the world a better place and that freedom is a gift from god that no one has the right to take away from you. President Kennedy also attacks the problem of poverty within the nation in his speech, stating “to convert our good words into good deeds—in a new alliance for progress—to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty.” Telling thee crowd about the problems of the nations poverty that is still a ongoing problem today. Also stating , “If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.” This is still holds value till this day as the many people who poor need government assistance and the few who are rich in our nation dont. Al in all , although different speeches in different time periods, both were made to conquer the same problem.

I do not believe that the United States has yet to solve these problems, Poverty is still a ongoing issue throughout the nation. Racism is also still alive in America, with colored people still fighting against injustices and police brutality. This is a ongoing issue in America, as there has been decades on top of decades of injustices against colored people, and still no change; still no equality among the people.




Posted by Karen Herrera on

Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy had similar visions for their country as they both spoke on the future of the people. Both individuals believed in change, equality and liberty for all. Though they express these ideas differently, they both come to the conclusion of liberty and equality for all.

Abraham Lincoln with a very humble tone addresses a powerful message regarding liberty. He speaks about the lives that had been lost, but remembered for the devotion to serve their country. Though these lives had been lost, he continues to speak upon the bigger problem, equality and liberty. In the Gettysburg address, Abraham begins by mentioning what was expected of the nation. He says “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are create equal”. Lincoln speaks about this proposition in efforts to bring the people together. He wanted to show them that they didn’t have to forget those lives, they could continue fighting for them. By this, Lincoln set forth the idea of unification among the people. Towards the end of his speech, he leaves the people with an extraordinary idea. Lincoln concludes his speech by saying that “this nation, under god, shall have a new birth of freedom- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”. In others words, Lincoln believed in setting forth a new goal, to give liberty to all the people despite the war. He put down the idea of a government founded on the idea and need of equality for the nation.

John F. Kennedy wanted to inspire his people to serve their country, he believed society would be stronger if they all worked together. But in attempt to inspire his people, he also concluded in the idea of equality and liberty for all. Kennedy said “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” In other words, Kennedy wanted the people to contribute to society in efforts to unify the people, he wanted to build a greater democracy. These lines emphasized the idea that the people needed to do good deeds for the greater good, to not sit around for change but to create the change they wanted. John F. Kennedy also said, “We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty.” In other words, Kennedy wanted to further the belief that the nation was strong and it needed to conquer anything that came their way in attempt to achieve their goal of liberty. He spoke on freedom, liberty, good deeds, and peace throughout his speech in efforts to help guide unification within his nation.

Though Abraham focused his speech more on the present and JFK on the future, both Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy wanted change for all, they both believed in freedom and liberty for the people. Both presidents believed that their nation would be able to undergo all catastrophic events and still achieve their way of liberty.


Blog #4

Posted by Keiry Ramirez on

  Both President Lincoln and Kennedy did great things for the United States. But they didn’t get to handle many problems during their presidency. They did things different but were on the same side. Those steps that Lincoln and Kennedy took to make the United States better was only the first step. Sadly both were killed before they can finish their goals. For staters, John F. Kennedy supported policies for racial equality. Kennedy was behind the idea of the Peace Corps. He wanted to provide aid for the poor, education and increasing medical care. In Kennedy’s speech, he stated “ let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us” This is such a great point, we waste our time on disagreeing rather than being open minded and coming together. Abraham Lincoln’s “ Gettysburg Address” was an amazing speech. Which focused on the Civil War due to the reason for the north and south separation. He impacted people and saw the best in those who wanted to take a stand. Lincoln even pointed out that the Declaration of Independence talks about equality. All Kennedy and Lincoln wanted was for everyone to realize we are more than color or race. We are unique and deserve equality. Nobody should be judged based on their gender, skin tone or culture. Clearly two independent individuals with connections weren’t enough to make people aware that we deserve peace and comfort. In today’s world black people are being killed and facing racial violence. Which lead to Black Lives Matter movements. Those movements gave us a chance to unite as one. Immigrants are still being mistreated. We need to be able to make sacrifices and want a better tomorrow. This quote from Lincoln’s speech, “these dead shall not have died in vain- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom- and that the government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Our ancestors didn’t fight wars for us to have a future to end up disappointing them with not being able to put our differences aside and be equals. Slavery shouldn’t have existed because it was unfair. Kennedy and Lincoln were different but used their presidency for good which we can be thankful for. 


Blog #4

Posted by Lianie Vega on

There were many similarities and differences between “The Gettysburg Address”, by Abraham Lincoln and the “Inaugural Address”, by John F. Kennedy. President Lincoln and President Kennedy, both gave their speeches during war time. President Lincoln gave a speech when the Battle of Gettysburg was over, which was a battle fought during the Civil War. The Civil War caused the United States to be divided because the North wanted to abolish slaves and the South wanted to keep slaves. In the “Gettysburg Address,” it states, “these dead shall not have died in vain- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom- and that the government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” President Lincoln gave a speech to honor all the lives that were lost during that battle. President Lincoln wanted to address the problem in the United States by fighting for what was right, which was to free slaves. He wanted everyone in the United States to have freedom. The North ends up winning the Civil War and all the slaves were free. But, freed slaves were still oppress and didn’t have the same rights as everyone else. President Kennedy’s “Inaugural Address” was given during the Cold War. In the “Inaugural Address,” it states, “My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.” President Kennedy also wanted everyone in the United States to have freedom. He also wanted everyone to work together to maintain peace within the nation and with other nations. For the most part, throughout the years, the United States has been able to maintain peace within the nation and with other nations. The problems each believed that was occurring in the United States was that not everyone had freedom and not everyone had the same rights. As the leaders of the United States, they wanted to solve these problems to help make the nation better. President Lincoln and President Kennedy, both wanted the people in the United States to work together to achieve the same goal. They wanted everyone to have freedom and to be treated equally. Overtime, the United States has passed many laws to help everyone be treated equally. Sadly, there are still many people who oppress others. The United States hasn’t fully solved the problem of equality because not everyone is treated equally.



Blog 4

Posted by Vilma Gonzales on

When reading Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” and John F. Kennedy’s “Inaugural Address” some similarities and differences can be spotted. Throughout Lincoln’s speech, president Lincoln speaks more about the people, the nation and the ongoing problem the nation has been suffering. The speech opens up with “fourscore and seven years ago…dedicated to the proposal that all men are created equal”.The nations founding principles are “all men are created equal” and with civil war going on this principle is being tested whether the nation will live up to this or not. Lincoln’s main goal is to preserve the union and what it stands for. “Testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure.” This speech is dedicated to the people who fought in the civil war and how their fighting will not go unnoticed nor in vail “ that from These honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain that- that this nation ,under God, shall have a new birth of freedom –”.  stated in The Gettysburg Address , Those who have fought in this war are the reason why a “new birth of freedom” was risen which was the reason slavery was abolished.Lincoln’s address was more in regards to the civil war.

While the problem that faced Kennedy throughout his speech is maintaining peace within the nation and with international affairs.”let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divided us.” Kennedy talks about leading the nation although this is kennedy’s job to lead the nation he allows to include the nations people be involved as well by being united as one” unite there is little we can not do in a host of cooperative ventures.divided there is little we can do- for we dare not to meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder. Kennedy’s speech was devoted to ensuring the success of the nation as a guarantee. “let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friends ,oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty”, As stated in the Inaugural Address.

Throughout both speeches the two presidents express their current situations with the nation. Both Lincoln and Kennedy were willing to do what it takes for the greater good of the nation which would be to maintain and guarantee the freedom of the nation’s people. Currently in 2020 we are able to see these problems are yet to have a solution. These problems are still active throughout the United states where people of color are fighting for their freedom. Of course it is nothing like the 1860’s but the same concept of problems continue. 


Blog #4

Posted by Joseph Nicolas Vargas on

President Lincoln and President Kennedy were both great historical figures and played important roles to the success of this country. Both presidents served as leaders during some of the toughest times in America. President Lincoln held office at a time that the country was racially divided. Lincoln helped unite this country and abolish slavery in which led to the Gettysburg address. President Kennedy held office during the cold war against Russia. In this era there was a lot of tension and fear of the use of nuclear weapons capable of mass destruction.

President Lincoln and Kennedy both addressed the problems that faced them in there era of leadership. These addresses had many similarities and differences. President Lincoln in the Gettysburg address acknowledged the sacrifices made to unite the country and hope for a better tomorrow. This is also shared in President Kennedy’s inaugural address with the hope for a better tomorrow. Where both addresses differ is when they discuss its purpose. Lincolns address wants it to be used to honor those who died in the war. Kennedy wanted his address to be seen as a way of wanting peace instead of living through a time of tension. Both presidents faced problems I still believe we face today. The problem Lincoln faced was racism and how it divided the country. Today we still see a society in which racism thrives in and continues to divide people. The problem faced by President Kennedy was tension over nuclear arms and possible nuclear war. We still face this problem today especially with countries such as Russia, Iran, and North Korea all strengthening their nuclear ability while having public disdain for America. These problems faced years ago are still occurring and have yet been solved or fixed.

Overall, both addresses made by presidents 100 years apart have the same thought process. They wanted to progress the country and be better, but unfortunately we still experience some of the same issues in their days.


Blog #4

Posted by Eleonore Maldonado on

President Kennedy and Lincoln both had similar want for their nation. They both wanted freedom and equaliy. Both of these presidents went through similar situations with civil rights. Lincoln went through a war and Kennedy went through a movement. Lincoln stated “That this nation shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” True Americans defend the value of Freedom and liberty for all, and Kennedy agreed with Lincoln. Kennedy shares that many still are fighting for what their ancestor fought for which was freedom. This is similar to Lincoln situation because he was in he middle of th civil war and faught for freedom for all. Lincoln abolished slavery while in office. Kennedy support the civil rights movement and passed legistrations. They both had dealt with many deaths and disagreement around them. They both wanted liberty for their nation.


Blog #4 – Eliana Espinal

Posted by Eliana Espinal on

After reading The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln and the Inaugural Address by John F. Kennedy, is it clear though the text shared several similarities and differences. Both presidents discuss the nation and how powerful the nation can possibly become if the people were to unite. Also, another shared concept was that all men were created equal. Lastly, both Lincoln’s and Kennedy’s intention were to grant the nation liberty and freedom.  

However, there was obvious differenceamongst the president’s speech. For example, in Lincoln’s speech, he emphasized the issue the nation was undergoing at the time which was the civil war. He states, Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war” (Lincoln, 324). He expressed about how important it was to recognize and honor the people who had been fighting the battle and for those who have died. It was the living’s duty to be “dedicated to the great task remaining before us” (Lincoln, 325). On the other hand, Kennedy’s goal was a bit different. He was focused on himself and conveying to the people how he would lead the nation and its people to solving their issues rather than discussing the issues like Lincoln did and actually including the people and their relevancy to the nation. For instance, “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty”(Kennedy, 464). Kennedy spoke more about himself as a leader 

In addition, another distinction noticed was the different approaches on the issues of the United States each of them had. Lincoln’s speech included how he thought the problems of the nations would be solved while Kennedy gave the people hope that something would be done in regard to the issues occurring. For example, Lincoln began his speech declaring“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal” (Lincoln, 324). With this, it is clear that he believes the issue of the US is the discrimination and insisted that there needed to be equality amongst the nation. On the contrary, Kennedy gave the people of the nation hope that the situation will get better. He attempts to instill this hope and aspiration in people by declaring, So let us begin anew—remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate” (Kennedy, 467). He goes on to explain what both sides of the issue need to do to ensure the issue be resolved to hopefully motivate the people of the US to take action.  

Though Lincoln and Kennedy differed in thoughts a bit, both their intentions initially are bringing on peace and freedom in the United States. Through their speech, they express their thoughts on where the US is failing the people and what needs to be done.  


Blog #4

Posted by Amani Daniel on

The problem that America faces is the fact that many of the people do not support the government and there ideas of equality. President Lincoln gave the Gettysburg address to address the unrest that was around the people fighting in the Civil War. President Lincoln wanted to end to countless death of people who where fighting in the war. As he claims, “that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom–and that government of the people by the people, for the people, shall no perish from the earth”. President Lincoln want to use equality as a way to inflict peace onto the people of America. America in that moment was divided and the only purpose of the war was for people to keep their slaves respect from both sides of the war. This speech was his stepping stone leading to that equality since the Emancipation Proclamation.

President Kennedy’s Inaugural address was the speech to combine the nation through the people and unite the people under the American flag for the future of America. The people had the right to choose the path that they wanted to take to the future as long as they do it together. President Kennedy says, “To our sister republics south of our border, we offer a special pledge–to covert our good words into good deeds–in a new alliance for progress–to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty”. Both President Lincoln and Kennedy are hoping that the nation can come together for peace and prosperity. They both want the same thing just went about moving to accomplishing their goals a little different. One wanted the country to unite to build a better nation and another to build a better connection to the other countries.

In my opinion, feel that this quote by President Kennedy,  “Those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.” was a quote said here to enlighten the American people that when people chase power it never work out the way they plan because them and their people never came to an understanding on where each stood or upheld any of the equality willingly. Power over someone just makes the hate the country have stronger and put the blame toward the wrong person or group of people. Both presidents are right when wanting to bring the country together but even with the class divide gone legally, people still have the trait since in some families the hate is just passed down.

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