Class Introduction-Calvin Chao

Hi my name is Calvin Chao (he/him) and what I intend to major in is something in business like finance or accounting.

The thing that I am excited about is to read and write about social, political, economic, and cultural issues that have been problems for many years where it affect others in a negative way and see how these issues started. The thing that I am nervous about is listening and identifying the main argument of a text because sometimes when I think of two arguments that can highly relate to the text, I end up choosing the wrong one instead of the right one or when my idea of an argument is actually not the main argument of the text. Another thing that I am nervous about is the essay writing because whenever it comes to explaining the evidence, I can’t figure out how to explain it well that would prove my argument to be true. The good qualities of good writing is to hook the reader into the text that leads to your argument. In order to support the argument it needs to have evidence. Then you have to explain why your evidence helps prove your point. The thing that writers have to do to make their writing good is make sure that they have a powerful argument which is supported by strong evidence. It is important to write well because writing is a way were people can express their imagination into ideas into a creation of something. Writing is a way for others to know what type of person you are. I think the easiest part of writing for me is explaining my argument to make my readers see it in a way how I and others see it as. The thing that I think is the hardest part of writing is explaining the evidence because you have to explain what the evidence means and how that strengthens your argument. The genre that I expect to do for my intended career is argumentative and formal writing . By being an effective writer would impact greatly on my career opportunities because if their are problems I can show a powerful argument that follows by evidence that helps prove my argument and then explaining how they are wrong. In addition, by being efficient on formal writing, I can show how I can inform others about this choice that would hook readers into making a right decision.

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Dylan Chan
    I have the same exact problems when it comes to making a choice between 2 arguments, especially when one may have more evidence than the other or it may seem that way... Nice to meet you, best of luck!

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