
One of the texts I will use for my Analytical Research Paper is ‘’Economic inequality’’ by Esteban Ortiz-Ospina and Max Roser. This article contains a lot of information on how Women are not given the same equality as men, especially when it comes to finances. What I hope to accomplish in my analytical research paper is to inform and educate the audience that is not aware of the social issues that occur in gender inequality. Making it known that not only do females experience gender inequality but so do people in the LGBTQ community. For instance, transgender and gays experience many hardships throughout their lives because of their sexuality and brutal social norms society has on men and women. What inspired me to do this research is having friends and family members that have experienced social inequality and myself in their field of work and many other aspects. In addition, growing up witnessing my transgender cousin go through experiences in a world where many people like her aren’t accepted. This made me realize how hard it can be for people who are considered not following the social construct that’s created by society. I came up with the thesis after reading Esteban Ortiz’s article and noticing the accuracy and importance stated when he spoke about how women are coming a long way experiencing gender inequity especially in the workplace. Lastly, this allowed me to spread awareness when it comes to gender inequality giving me the ability to grasp people’s attention to become educated in gender inequality. 

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Zayneb Saad
    I'm interested to see the intersectionality between gender/sexuality and economic inequality. i think it's a topic people haven't scratched the surface to analyze.

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