Blog #6

The text that my upcoming analytical research paper will be based on is the Gettysburg address. In this paper I plan on pointing out the importance of the address to the United States of America. The address took place after the civil war in which President Lincoln spoke at the Soldiers National Cemetery. The address brought a great impact on the future of the United States and the people living in America. The purpose of the address was to provide a plan on preserving the equality of not only those living in the North/Union but of all people throughout America. I wanted to research this text because of its historical significance. Without us winning the civil war and the Gettysburg address being written, we might be living in a very different society. Our country if not for these events could still be a land driven on racism and profiting off of the work of African Americans. This address serves great value to the society we are today and will be in the future. I plan on explaining the statement of how valuable the address is by citing multiple historical text proving Lincolns impact through out the speech.

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