On reading the “The Good Immigrant Student” , Nguyen said in the 28th paragraph that “I would like to make a broad, accurate statement about immigrant children in schools. I would like to speak for them (us). I hesitate; I cannot.” I believe what she is trying to say is that it is not fair to judge or assume everyone will be like a particular person. For instance she said “I doubled back to school and overheard Mrs. Alexander in the classroom talking to another teacher. “Can you believe it?” Mrs. Alexander was saying. “A foreigner winning our spelling bee!”. An award she clearly deserved was denied hers because he teacher did not like immigrants. Another proof that shows Mrs. Alexander did not really like Nguyen was “If it was my turn to read aloud during reading circle, she’d interrupt me to snap, “You’re reading too fast” or demand, “What does that word mean?” Things she did not do to the other students. This is also a proof of how Mrs. Alexander kept picking on Nguyen on purpose due to her Vietnamese accent and background because she could have at least been more polite to Nguyen instead on constantly interrupting her during readings which she does not do to other students. Mrs. King on the other hand was a teacher who loved and adored everyone no matter the race, language one spoke or the background a student might be coming from . This is a reason why Nguyen did not want to make her statement broad since not all teachers are like Mrs. Alexander but instead made this statement specifically to people who discriminate against immigrants to show more respect to them. People who discriminate against other people should seize from it since we are all humans and one and as such must behave like that.

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Edina
    I agree with you on how Nguyen didn't want to make her statement board because not everyone views immigrants as unintelligent. I believe Nguyen wanted to make the statement to tell people that everyone is equal no matter what race, gender, or where they come from. We all deserve to get treated equally and we shouldn't have to prove ourselves because of background status.

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