Language played a very huge role in Amy Tan’s life.English language was never her strongest skills both in school and her professional life.She said “while my English skills where never judged as poor,compared to my math,English could never be considered as my strongest suit”.This clearly shows that Tan did not easily become a professional writer because she had a whole lot of challenges in English language at school.Amy also grew up with her mum who spoke “broken” English and mostly had to speak in the position of her mum.Amy kind of felt ashamed since no one could understand what her mum tried to say and people mostly took her for granted or did no pay attention to her,for example “I was ashamed of English”.Since the type of language spoken especially at home tends to influence the kind of English one is able to speak,Amy believed her English exams where affected because of the kind of English her mum spoke with her at home with.Tan stated”But i do think that the language spoken in the family plays a large role in shaping the language of the child.And i believe that it affected my results on the achievements test,I.Q test, and the SAT”.English was always her biggest problem in school since she was able to get A’s in Math and Science except English language.

I think that people who learn English language as a second language or grow up in families that tend to speak multiple languages are clearly aware of the language that is used around them.When you hear a native speaker speak the language you are also learning,since its the person’s real tongue it sounds differently and makes you aware of how you and others speak the language.For instance I tend to speak “broken” language with my friends and close ones and speak a different language with my family.I only speak English in school or with a new person I just get to meet.I like to listen to others speak the language and pronounce words or their choice of words because am a good listener.I feel like am also in Tan’s exact shoes because I also believe the less amount of English being spoken at home affects my English grades always.

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Joseph Nicolas Vargas
    I also agree with you that speaking less of your native language can affect your grades.

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