Blog #5

 In paragraph 28 Nguyen stated “I would like to make a broad, accurate statement about immigrant children in schools. I would like to speak for them (us). I hesitate; I cannot.” I think that it would be good for Nguyen to tell her story. Although Nguyen shouldn’t make a statement for the other immigrant children because she can’t speak on others’ situations. Immigrant children have a different experience so it won’t make sense that she speaks on something she doesn’t have the knowledge of. Nguyen tells us her story how her dad married her step mom and  that they moved into a “middle class suburban Grand Rapids’’. Not every immigrant child gets that lucky. Nguyen and her sister came to America not knowing how to speak English which is very common for immigrants. She mentions being in third grade and looking different than everyone else. “Thus I attended school in such ensembles as dark red parachute pants and a nubby pink sweater stitched with a picture of a unicorn rearing up.” Surely she is ashamed of having less than others and tries to put her energy on obtaining the stuffed lion. She described how her sister and her are opposite. Growing up she noticed that it’s the same for immigrants and that’s the reason she can’t make a broad statement. She was more ashamed than embracing her culture so it doesn’t really fit an immigrant child. She rather speaks English than her native language. Nguyen didn’t even know her history and was embarrassed about it. At that moment school wasn’t her save place like she bragged about. “ I reassure  myself that they will grow up free, they will be okay.” Nguyen had stated this after describing ‘the kids with heads bent down’. She makes it seem like she has it all and wants to comfort herself in the idea that other immigrants will have a great experience.

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Karen Herrera
    Keiry, You wrote that she shouldn't speak for other immigrant children, and I completely agree with you. Nguyen's story may differ from others and speaking on them may not be the most just thing to do. Also, Nguyen's personal emotions regarding her Vietnamese background wasn't the strongest. Being ashamed of her past, resisted her voice in speaking for others.

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