After reading “The Gettysburg Address” by 16th President Abraham Lincoln and “Inaugural Address” by 35th President John F. Kennedy, I have made the connection that what they are saying is similar. The overall message is about equality. Their remarks do not refer to the same situation but they do relate to each other. The problem that Abraham Lincoln thinks the United States needs to solve is the problem of equality. He believed that all men are created equally. And JFK brings up the point that we are united as a nation, referring to the equality of black people and stated “we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty” expressing that he would pay any price to see equality among people in the United States. Is that problem solved? The answer is obviously no. As any normal person can see we live in a society stemming full of systemic racism and  major inequalities for minorities. And “President” (I will use that title lightly) Donald Trump thinks it does not exist. Not only that but the racist police that shoot unarmed, innocent black people that can amount to a list only from the shootings this year. There should not be a list like that at all. And it does not just affect black people, the Muslim ban proposed by “President” Trump was extremely racist by targeting Muslims entering America and ones that already live here, and extremely UNCONSTITUTIONAL. So, no these issues have not solved.

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Salimatou Bah
    I like how you connected our readings to real time news.

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