Even though Malcolm X was incarcerated, he was still able to educate himself further in the English language. It’s amazing how he rewrote the entire dictionary and taught himself how to read it correctly and fluently. It goes to show how free minded he was and even though he was incarcerated, he was still determined to learn new things and expand his mind. Malcolm X while incarcerated still felt free within himself and within his own mind. Malcolm X did say “I never had been so truly free in my life” because even though he was incarcerated, he was free mentally and was able to still receive new knowledge every single day he was reading. Doing this helped him to achieve his goals and he got the most out of his experience in prison more than anyone else. Malcolm X said “I don’t think anybody ever got more out of going to prison than I did” which was a true statement because he changed his whole life and his way of thinking while being incarcerated and by educating himself. In prison too it was much easier for him to learn as much as he did because there weren’t any distractions as supposed to college he said. Malcolm X said “I imagine that one of the biggest troubles with college is there are too many distractions, too much panty-raiding, fraternities, and boola-boola and all of that. Where else but in prison could I have attacked my ignorance by being able to study intensely sometimes as much as fifteen hours a day.” He was never distracted and was always able to focus and take care of his business no matter the circumstances. What this narrative suggests about the relationship between literature and freedom is that being able to focus and equip new knowledge can help you to free your mind and reach goals that you never thought could be reached. Malcolm X no matter his situation was determined and focused on enlightening himself and he opened his mind and educated himself while incarcerated. He was only able to do that because even though he wasn’t free literally, he was free mentally which helped him to become who he was truly meant to be. Literature helped him to become more free than he ever felt in his entire life. 


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