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Blog #5

Posted by Aicha Ibrahima on

In “The Good Immigrant Student” the author, Bich Minh Nguyen, speaks of her experience as an immigrant child in school. She was often bullied in school because she wasn’t American. She was very shy, silent, and obedient as she states in paragraph 8. In paragraph 28, Nguyen says, “I would like to make a broad, accurate statement about immigrant children in schools. I would like to speak for them (us). I hesitate; I cannot.” I think she’s trying to say that she can’t speak for everyone because not everyone had the same experience as her just because they’re an immigrant. Even if they did, not everyone would react the way she did. Just because she chose to become invisible doesn’t mean that every immigrant would make the same choice. Take her sister for example, she chooses to be rebellious as stated in paragraph 28.

When speaking for an entire group of people, one can never make a “broad accurate statement”. Not every immigrant child gets bullied in school and not every child reacts the same to the same experiences. Let’s look at the LGBTQ community, another minority group. Oftentimes you hear how people have a hard time coming out to their families. However that’s not the case for everyone. You also hear how people within the community are bullied and made fun leading to suicidal thoughts but there are people who stand up for themselves. You can’t make a broad ACCURATE statement for an entire group of people because that statement wont be true for everyone.

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